Incoming Exchange at Braunschweig University of Art

Going abroad is exciting and there are many reasons to do so: getting to know other countries and cultures, developing one’s own personality, strengthening linguistic and intercultural skills... A stay abroad also provides insights into other working, teaching and research methods, and broadens the view of professional perspectives. Therefore, we encourage everyone to participate in the exchange programmes available.

You can come to our university as an exchange student either in the context of the Erasmus+ programme or through a university partnership. We are looking forward to welcoming you at Braunschweig University of Art for your exchange!

Language Skills

Language of instruction in all study programmes at Braunschweig University of Art is German. We, therefore, highly recommend acquiring German language skills on level B2. Braunschweig University of Art does not require you to present a language certificate to prove your language skills, a placement test is sufficient. However, being able to understand literature, to participate in class, to get into contact with other people, other students as well as university staff (teaching and administration) is in your own interest in order to make the most of your exchange experience. Thus, we also encourage you to continue German language courses while studying at our university. Detailed information on language courses will be given to exchange students upon their acceptance to the university.

Academic Year

In Germany, the academic year consists of two terms, the winter term and the summer term. Additionally, each term is divided into lecture period and lecture-free period.

  • Winter term: 1st October to 31st March - Lecture period: mid-October to end of February
  • Summer term: 1st April to 30th September - Lecture period: mid-April to mid-July

Where can you get advice and who nominates exchange students?

The International Office at your home university can offer advice and will nominate you for a semester at the Braunschweig University of Art (HBK). The dates and deadlines of your home university apply.

Nominated and accepted students will get advice and support by HBK Braunschweig's International Office.


International Office and Regional Development Unit
Susanne Fleischhacker
Gebäude 14 Raum 110
+49 531 391 9141


Erasmus+ is part of the European Union‘s education programme „Life-long Learning“. Among other things, it enhances student and university staff mobility. As a prerequesite to an Erasmus mobility, an Erasmus partnership between the two universities involved in the exchange project must be established.


Please contact your home university’s international office to find out whether your university maintains an Erasmus partnership with Braunschweig University of Art. If the partnership has already been established, your university may nominate you for the exchange. For further information, please contact your international office. If your university does not yet maintain an Erasmus partnership with us, your international office may contact us.

All Erasmus students must complete an online learning agreement before the mobility. Please contact your International Office for more details.

The HBK Braunschweig electronic directory of lectures lists the module catalogues and events for each semester. Please use this to fill the online learning agreement.
If the Learning Agreement needs to be amended after arriving in Braunschweig because you would like to add/cancel courses you must make the necessary changes digitally.

At the end of the exchange, all examination results and certificates must be submitted to the Examinations Office or the International Office in order to have the transcript drawn up.

The application deadline for an exchange in the Summer semester: 15 November.
The application deadline for an exchange in the Winter semester: 15 May.

All scholarship holders will be regularly informed by the International Office and the tutors. The tutors and the International Office can help with any questions and offer support in preparations and after arrival, similar to a buddy programme i.e. scholarship holders can be accompanied in any visits to the authorities.
In addition, everyone also receives a contact in their subjects for determining course timetables and answering academic questions.

It is recommended you apply for a room with the student services. The International Office at the HBK Braunschweig can assist you in this.

It is important you do this in good time as there are only few rooms available.

Yes, all exchange students and scholarship holders are fully enrolled.

The following are required:

  • 1 passport photo
  • Proof of German health insurance
  • Payment of semester fee
  • Enrolment application

The semester fee must be paid before enrolling.
The semester fee includes the semester ticket which offers students free use of all public transport in Braunschweig and select buses in Lower Saxony and parts of Saxony-Anhalt as well as the use of all student facilities (e.g. the canteen). This semester fee is not the same as the tuition fees.

No, not if you have a European health insurance card.

University Partnership

Universities from non-EU countries may negotiate a partnership with Braunschweig University of Art. 

Please contact your home university’s international office to find out whether your university maintains a university partnership with us. If the partnership has already been established, your university may nominate you for the exchange. For further information, please contact your international office. If your university does not yet maintain a university partnership with us, your international office may contact us.


No tuition fees are charged only a so-called term contribution. The term contribution is to be paid by all fully enrolled student and includes:

  • Payment for student administration – it offers student dorms, manages the cafeteria and mensa and offer food, which is less expensive for students compared to non-students.
  • Semester ticket – all student receive a ticket valid for 6 months for public transport so bus and tram within Braunschweig as well as whole Lower Saxony and parts of the county nearby.

All exchange student will be fully enroled.

The following are required:

  • 1 passport photo
  • Proof of German health insurance
  • Payment of term contribution
  • Enrolment form

The term contribution must be paid before enrolling.

All exchange student have to have a German health insurance, no travel insurance.  A German health insurance policy must be taken out for this purpose. As a rule, best is a so-called statutory health insurance. It is absolutely fine to take this after your arrival in Braunschweig.

It is recommended to apply for a room with the student services. The International Office at the HBK Braunschweig can assist you in this. It is important you do this in good time as there are only few rooms available. It is also very common to look to place in shared flats so-call Wohngemeinschaften together with other students. For this however, HBK Braunschweig cannot offer any service. 

Exchange students will be regularly informed by the International Office and the tutors. The tutors and the International Office can help with any questions and offer support and assisted in preparations and after arrival, similar to a buddy programme i.e. scholarship holders can be accompanied in any visits to the authorities.
In addition, everyone also receives a contact in their subjects for determining course timetables and answering academic questions.